

  • Pocałunek:Z językiem
  • Lodzik:Bez prezerwatywy
  • CIM:Tak, wypluwa to
  • Płeć:Pasywny(-a)
  • Anal:Tak
  • Pierś:Naturalny(-a)
  • Extra ball:Dozwolone wiele razy
  • Zdjęcie:Prawdziwe zdjęcie


Angel are an Angel in my life .
I never make a reviews for any girls but for this beautiful Angel I will make 1.000 times .
She is amazing we fuck 2 hours and she not want stop the Angel make me crazy.
I don’t have words to explain exactly how was perfect with this Brazilian girl. I want stay more time but ai don’t have more money to pay but she give me the best 2 hours in my life.
I hope see you again Hot Angel.
